(Download: Rotational Drop Test in PDF by Medistri)
The Rotational Drop Test is a part of various testing standards like ISTA 2A, ISTA 3A, ASTM D7386, ASTM D4169. It is designed to simulate the drops and rotational impacts that packages may experience during shipping and handling.
Rotational Drop Test is crucial as it evaluates a package’s ability to withstand shocks during shipping. It aids in improving package design, reducing costs associated with damaged goods, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and preventing over-packaging and under-packaging. It’s a key part of ensuring product safety and integrity during transportation.
In a Rotational Drop Test, the package is dropped in a way that it impacts a corner or edge, causing it to rotate. This simulates the type of impact a package might experience if it were to fall off a conveyor or a truck, for example. The test helps to evaluate the ability of the package and its contents to withstand sudden shocks during transportation.
The Rotational Drop Test is included in several testing standards such as International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) 2A, ISTA 3A, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D7386, and ASTM D4169. These standards provide guidelines for conducting the test to evaluate the performance of packages during shipping and handling.
ISTA 2A: A test for packages weighing 150 lb or less, verifying package integrity.
ISTA 3A: A simulation test for packages weighing 150 lb or less, replicating common transport conditions.
ASTM D7386: A test for packages up to 150 lb, simulating the shipping environment.
ASTM D4169: A test evaluating the ability of shipping units to withstand the distribution environment.
Should you fully validate your packaging system or should you simply test one particular characteristic of your sterile barrier system, Medistri laboratory is accredited and highly experienced for the most common test method provided in ISO 11607-1.
🎯 To learn more about Medistri’s Rotational Drop Test, visit on our website here or directly contact our team at contact@medistri.swiss.
- The Medistri Team